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About the SMUSD

About Us

The San Marino Unified School District delivers a World-Class Education with Recognized Excellence in Academics, Arts, and Athletics


As part of that commitment, the San Marino Unified School District (SMUSD) provides an education locally, nationally and globally recognized as a leader in academics, arts and athletics. The SMUSD partners with the San Marino community to build capacity, opportunity and world class educational programs so that all students are able to reach their fullest potential.




The San Marino Unified School district is located in a small suburban residential community northeast of Los Angeles and encompasses approximately four square miles. Located near the internationally renowned Huntington Library Arts Museum and Botanical Gardens and Caltech, San Marino Unified benefits from collaborative partnerships with both institutions.

The District operates two elementary schools (K.L. Carver Elementary School, W.L. Valentine Elementary School), one middle school (H.E. Huntington Middle School), and one comprehensive high school (San Marino High School). All four schools have been named both a California Distinguished School and a National Blue Ribbon School. The 2022 Niche rankings show San Marino Unified in the top 1% of districts in the Los Angeles, California and United States. As of census day, 2021, there were 2703 students enrolled in transitional kindergarten through grade twelve . San Marino Unified also sponsors a Pre-Kindergarten Program serving developmentally disabled serving students from the West San Gabriel Valley Special Education Local Plan Authority (SELPA) at Carver Elementary  School. Each school in the district has developed a School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) ensuring all students receive support in mastering academic standards and skills along with student, parent, and staff connectedness and wellness. San Marino’s students are primarily from high-income families in a residential community of single-family dwellings. 


More than 40 different races and ethnicities are represented among students, the largest of these being Asian (59%) and White (20%). More than 31 different home languages are spoken in the San Marino Unified School District. Other important subgroups are: Hispanic students (4%), African American students (1%), students with disabilities (8%), English learner students (8%), and socioeconomically disadvantaged students (4%) (through direct certification or through qualification for the federal free and reduced school lunch program). The SanMarino Unified School District provides special education services to 222 students through an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and has 63 students receiving accommodations and services through a Section 504 Plan.

High Performing District and Schools


Students of San Marino Unified consistently scores in the top 1% of all students in the state on the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress for the Smarter Balanced English Language Arts and Mathematics assessments. As the result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the SBE allowed school districts the flexibility to administer the 2021 California Assessment of Student Progress and Performance or a local standards based assessment. San Marino Unified selected to administer the CAASPP. As the result of this flexibility, assessment results were reported at the local level only providing SMUSD valuable student outcome data to drive relevant,rigorous instructional programs and services to meet students’ learning needs and mitigate potential learning regression due to the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

San Marino High School


San Marino High School (SMHS), is a leader in student academics, arts, and athletics. SMHS offers 14 honors courses in English 1-2, English 3-4, Advanced Digital Film, Advanced Financial Literacy, Geometry, Algebra 2, Math Analysis, Calculus AB, Humanities Seminar, Caltech STEM Research, Dance Company, Physics, Chamber Singers, and Advanced Journalism & Yearbook. Additionally, SMHS offers 17 Advanced Placement courses in Macroeconomics, World History, American Government, US History, English Language, Studio Art (two areas), English Literature, Biology, Environmental Science, Calculus AB, Chinese Language, Calculus BC, Spanish Language, Chemistry, Statistics, and Computer Science. In 2020, students in grades 10-12 took 807 AP exams. 87% of the scores earned were a 3, 4, or 5.

Through SMHS's Dual Enrollment program and articulated courses, Students at SMHS are also offered the opportunity to take college courses such as Sociology, Kinesiology and Psychology through a Dual Enrollment agreement with Pasadena City College, with Business 116 as an articulated course. SMHS also offers three Career Technical Education (CTE) pathways. The CTE Business pathway is delivered through the courses of Introduction Business & Finance, Intermediate Business & Finance, and Financial Literacy. The CTE Media Arts pathway is delivered through the courses Introduction Media Arts, Intermediate Media Arts, and Advanced Digital Film-making. The CTE Graphic Design pathway is delivered through the courses Introduction to Graphic Design, Intermediate Graphic Design, and Advanced Journalism & Yearbook.

SMHS also provides award-winning Visual and Performing Arts Education. SMHS offers courses in the Fundamentals of Art, Art AP, Drawing & Painting, Advanced Drawing & Painting, Marching Band, Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Orchestra, Chamber Singers, Concert Choir, Beginning Drama, Intermediate Drama, Advanced Drama, and Stage Management.

Students at SMHS participate in athletic competitions through the Rio Hondo League in all the following; co-ed badminton, boys and girls swimming, boys and girls tennis, boys and girls track, boys and girls basketball, boys and girls golf, baseball, softball, boys and girls soccer, boys and girls water polo, boys and girls wrestling, boys and girls cross country, football, and boys and girls volleyball. Throughout its history, SMHS has won over 300 league titles and over 70 CIF championships.

Students at SMHS also participate in one of the most decorated Speech and Debate teams in the country which has earned hundreds of honors over the past decade along with an equally competitive and honored Robotics team both of which compete nationally. The yearbook and publications programs have also earned high honors with the annual Titanium yearbook earning National Scholastic Press Association’s National Pacemaker Award 2011, Pacemaker Finalist Award 2012, 2015, All American Honors Awards 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, Best of Show Awards 2011, 2012, 2016, as well as the Columbia Scholastic Press Association's Gold Crown Award 2013, Gold Medalist Certificates 2012, 2013, 2014, and the Yearbooks at the Beach Journalism Camp’s Awards for Excellence 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017. The annual Titan Musings Literary Magazine has also earned the National Scholastic Press Association’s National Pacemaker Finalist Award 2017, All American Honors Award 2017, and First Class Honors Award 2018.

Huntington Middle School


Henry E. Huntington Middle School's (HMS) mission is to work collaboratively with parents, students, faculty and staff and the greater San Marino community to foster an emotionally, intellectually, and ethically safe learning environment that challenges all students to continuously grow a deep and varied set of abilities as measured by research-based best practices, as well as federal, state, and local standards, assessments and metrics. Huntington Middle School works to engage each student at all levels, social, emotional, academic, athletic, and artistic. This focus is just one reason why HMS enjoys a national reputation and legacy of excellence! 

HMS enjoys a reputation and legacy of excellence through recognition as a National Blue Ribbon School in 1996 and in 2021. HMS has also repeatedly been recognized as a California Distinguished school in 1994, 2005, 2009, and 2013.

HMS prioritizes partnerships with the community of San Marino, the HMS Parent Teacher Association (PTA), The San Marino Schools Foundation (SMSF), HMS teachers, staff, and students. For over a century, HMS students have earned numerous honors as athletes, artists, and scholars. This tradition of excellence is maintained through the focus, hard work, creativity, and collaboration of the HMS staff. HMS offers honors or accelerated courses for students in preparation for access to the high school honors and Advanced Placement program: Honors Math 7, Algebra, Honors Algebra, Honors English 7, and Honors English 8. With a focus on integrating researched based best practice, authentic learning experiences, HMS students consistently score in the top 1% of all California Middle Schools. Huntington Middle School believes in a whole child approach to education where students can participate in many exciting co-curricular activities throughout the school year.

HMS is home to one of the finest middle school intramural/competitive sports programs in Southern California, fielding traveling tennis, football, basketball, and volleyball teams, among others. The HMS Athletic Department's motto is, "A sport for everyone, and everyone in a sport." The HMS intramural sports program fields no less than 50% of all HMS students each year. HMS's visual and performing arts program is a model of excellence and rivals many high school programs. Over 60% of the student body is either involved in band, wind ensemble, orchestra, dance, choir, or drama. Since 2010, the HMS visual and performing arts department has earned over 160 honors including Heritage and Forum Music Festival Gold and Superior ratings and Southern California Vocal Arts Superior ratings. Moreover, multiple clubs and competitive academic teams provide opportunities for students via HMS Speech and Debate Team, Math Team, Science Olympiad Team, Mock Trial Team, First Lego League, and the Los Angeles Regional Spelling Bee. HMS provides students the opportunity to participate in a vibrant yearbook program which has earned National Scholastic Press Association’s National Pacemaker Finalist Award 2015, First Class Honors Awards 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022 and Best of Show Awards 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019. Lastly, HMS maintains the application of a highly unique and effective outdoor education program for all students to complement the high quality, rigorous classroom instruction.

Elementary Schools


Students at both Carver and Valentine Elementary Schools are provided enrichment throughout the school day through a shared visual arts program, shared choir, as well as physical education, and participation in Math Olympiad and Makerspace (Carver). Additionally, with the easing of COVID restrictions, students have enjoyed some off campus field trips. The schools also have enrichment assemblies funded by the PTAs that enhance learning in alignment with grade level and curricular standards. The PTAs also sponsor the annual science fair, engineering fair (Valentine), book fair, family picnic (Carver), a weekend carnival (Carver), fall fair (Valentine), a colonial day (Valentine), the weekly Walking Club (Carver), Garden Angels (Valentine) and many fixed bid learning events that promote academics and social-emotional learning and well-being.

Graduates of the SMUSD

Graduates of San Marino Unified are astute critical thinkers, responsible, passionate self-directed learners, collaborative and effective communicators, adaptable professionals, producers of excellence, innovative user sof technology, community and global contributors, and individuals who embrace challenging opportunities through prudent risk-taking with strong moral character and integrity. The graduation rate for students at SMHS for the 2021 4 year cohort, was 95.2%. SMHS prides itself on its efforts and outcomes getting each and every student into a career and or college that is best for them. In short, the SMUSD serves its diverse community through multiple programs, supportive environments and innovative opportunities for student learning. The SMUSD promotes individual student excellence, collaboration, innovation, discovery, and challenges students to take responsibility as members of a diverse, global community.

The SMUSD goals and objectives are to be on the leading edge of excellence in academics, arts, and athletics, to maintain long-term fiscal health, to thoroughly integrate technology, improve and enhance communication strategies and rise to national prominence. The SMUSD cornerstones for success are to recognize and value that each individual has dignity and worth, that education and learning never stops, that all students are unique, and can learn with high expectations and challenging curricula. The SMUSD seeks and values community involvement, outstanding, highly trained, and dedicated personnel, personal responsibility and accountability, serving others, and continuous improvement.

San Marino Unified School District maintains an unwavering focus and commitment to providing all students equity and access to all students and serving the academic, social, emotional and physical needs of all students in a safe and secure learning environment.