2024 First Day Packet 開學日資料包

2021 FDP


We hope you are having a great summer and look forward to seeing you in the new school year! SMUSD families must annually review or update student information via the online First Day Packet. The First Day Packet also provides families the convenience of paying online for various school-related items.


Starting July 25, 2024, please be on the lookout for an email from PowerSchool Enrollment < with the subject "SMUSD - Complete Your Student's First Day Packet Online." The email includes a unique link to start your student's First Day Packet.

We ask families to complete and submit their child's packet as soon as they receive it to ensure the information is transmitted to the school.


Recently registered SMUSD students may receive their First Day Packet via email a few days after completing registration. Interdistrict students may receive their First Day Packet email closer to the start of school after placement is verified. If you have not received your First Day Packet email, please email [email protected] with your Child's First and Last Name, Date of Birth, Home Address, School, and Grade for verification and we will follow up.


我們希望您度過了一個愉快的夏天,我們期待在新學年見到您!聖瑪利諾聯合學區(SMUSD)家庭必須每年通過在線開學日資料包 First Day Packet 查看或更新學生信息。開學日資料包 First Day Packet 還為家庭提供在線支付各種學校相關物品的便利。
2024 年 7 月 25 日開始,聖瑪利諾聯合學區(SMUSD)家庭將收到開學註冊 <[email protected]> 發送的電子郵件,主題為 “SMUSD學生 - 在線填寫開學日資料包 First Day Packet”。該電子郵件將要求家人閱讀此網頁上的文件,並包含一個專有的鏈接,用於啟動學生的開學日資料包 First Day Packet  2024-2025。
請學生在 2024 年 8 月 8 日之前完成開學日資料包 First Day Packet  2024-2025 的提交。
最近註冊的聖瑪利諾聯合學區(SMUSD) 學生可能會在完成註冊後幾天才會通過電子郵件收到開學日資料包 First Day Packet。如果您尚未收到開學日資料包 First Day Packet 電子郵件,請發送電郵至 [email protected], 並附上您孩子的姓氏和名字、出生日期、家庭住址、就讀學校和年級,以供核實和跟進。
申請跨學區就讀學生注意 - 學位需經確認安置後,跨學區學生可能會在臨近開學時才會收到開學日資料包 First Day Packet 電子郵件。

READ the following documents below prior to completing the First Day Packet 在完成開學日資料包之前請閱讀以下文檔

 Review Student Handbooks by School 查看學校學生手冊:

For assistance in English/ Spanish, please contact Ms. Claudia Velasquez at (626) 299-7000 x1316
如需中文翻譯協助,請致電: (626) 299-7000 分機 1300 與 Ms. Wendy 或分機 1399 與 Ms. Brenda 聯繫查詢。


Need a copy of your receipt or submitted First Day Packet(s) to review your donations/purchases? 需要一份開學日資料包副本來查看捐款嗎?

  1. Search for your email confirmation with the subject "San Marino Unified School District -- Submission Confirmation." 搜索電子郵件確認信息相關主題: 聖瑪利諾聯合學區(SMUSD) - 提交確認”A summary of your donations/fees is included within the confirmation email. 確認電子郵件中包含的捐款/費用摘要。


  2. Please log in to the PowerSchool Registration / InfoSnap Family Portal 請登錄 PowerSchool 註冊/ InfoSnap 家庭門戶網站. Within the portal, you will see a history of all your submitted First Day Packets. 在門戶網站中,將看到所有提交的開學日資料包的歷史記錄。