(Education Code Sections 46600 and 48204(b))
Updated on 4/29/2024
We are no longer accepting interdistrict permit applications for grades TK - 8th grade
Click here to apply (high school only)
The following procedures must be followed when requesting an Interdistrict Transfer Permit to attend school in the San Marino Unified School District. (See Board Policy 5117 - BP 5117 InterdistrictAttendance.pdf and Administrative Regulation 5117 - AR5117 FINAL 12_4_15.pdf)
- Conditions for Approval of Interdistrict Attendance: A student residing outside of the District's attendance boundaries may only be admitted to a school within the District under the Board Policy if the student has met all of the following conditions:
- There is adequate space in the classes that meet the student's educational needs and class sizes are not unreasonably affected by the enrollment. An interdistrict transfer permit may be denied when the student's enrollment creates a situation where class sizes or service caseloads exceed the standards set by the Governing Board; and
- Admission would not result in the creation of a new program at additional cost to the District; and
- The student's academic achievement, citizenship, and behavior are maintained by a grade of "C" or better for each grading period, or by satisfactory or higher marks for each grade-level standard.
- Priority categories for non-resident students are as follows:
- A. The parent/guardian is employed by the SMUSD a guaranteed minimum of 10 hours per week (substitute employees ineligible)
- B. The parent/guardian is employed by the City of San Marino
- C. The parent/guardian is a registered business owner with a physical business located in the District and has a valid business license issued by the City of San Marino and is "physically" employed a minimum of ten (10) hours per week at that business/workplace location which he or she regularly occupies.
- D. The parent/guardian is "physically" employed a minimum of ten (10) hours per week in a commercial space that he or she regularly occupies within the boundaries of the District.
- An interdistrict attendance permit may be granted to a student whose grandparent is currently and has been residing within the District boundaries for a minimum of ten (10) years. In order to qualify, proof of grandparent residency is required prior to enrollment and shall be verified each year by the Superintendent or designee.
- A. Resident students who move out of the District during the school year and students enrolled in the District based upon a Parent Employment-Related Interdistrict Attendance Permit whose parent/guardian's employment changes during the school year (provided that the District has a master interdistrict attendance agreement with the student's new district of residence).
- B. To meet the childcare needs of a student in grades TK-5 who receives childcare within the attendance boundaries of the District, but only so long as the student continues to use a childcare provider within the District's attendance boundaries.
- C. When there is a valid interest in a particular educational program not offered in the student's district of residence.
- D. When the student has been determined by the staff of either the District or the student's district of residence to be a victim of an act of bullying as defined in Education Code 48900(r).
- E. When the student has a sibling attending school in the District, to avoid splitting the family's attendance.
STEP 1: Apply electronically and prepare documents
Priority 1: Parent Employment-Related Interdistrict Attendance Permits (Release from District of Residence not required): The following documents are required.
- Parent Employment-Related Transfer Application Form submitted electronically
- Proof of Employment: In order to apply for a Parent Employment-Related Transfer, one or both parents must be one of the following:
- an employee of San Marino Unified School District with a guaranteed minimum of 10 hours per week (substitute employees ineligible). (Parent must provide a recent paycheck stub and letter of verification from San Marino Unified School District verifying employment)
- an employee of the City of San Marino (parent must provide a recent paycheck stub and letter of verification from the City of San Marino verifying employment)
- a registered business owner with a physical business located in the District, with a valid business license issued by the City of San Marino and physically employed a minimum of 10 hours per week in a commercial space within San Marino Unified School District boundaries (parent must provide a copy of San Marino business license and lease agreement for commercial space)
- “physically” employed a minimum of 10 hours per week in a commercial space within the boundaries of San Marino Unified School District (parent must provide a recent paycheck stub and a letter from the parent/guardian’s employer verifying employment)
- In order to qualify, proof of parent's employment is required prior to enrollment and shall be verified each year by the Superintendent or designee.
- A brief written statement explaining why you would like to attend San Marino Schools. Please indicate the level of commitment the parent/guardian and student intend to make toward fulfilling the obligations of the transfer.
- For 1st to 12th Grade students, a copy of the most recent school report card/transcript and current standardized test scores.
- Legacy Permit Application Form submitted electronically
- Signed and approved interdistrict release (permit) issued by the student's District of Residence.
- Proof of Residency: An interdistrict attendance permit may be granted to a student whose grandparent is currently and has been residing within the District boundaries for a minimum of ten (10) years. In order to qualify, proof of grandparent residency is required prior to enrollment and shall be verified each year by the Superintendent or designee. Please provide the following documentation to verify the grandparent's current home address.
- Grandparent's photo ID
- Final closing statement, grant deed, previous property tax bill, or lease agreement (whichever applies) that shows the purchase date, transfer date, or lease start date to show the number of years living at the address.
- AND four (4) different current utility bills - gas, electric, water, trash, cable, or landline telephone.
- A brief written statement explaining why you would like to attend San Marino Schools. Please indicate the level of commitment the parent/guardian and student intend to make toward fulfilling the obligations of the transfer.
- For 1st to 12th Grade students, a copy of the most recent school report card/transcript and current standardized test scores.
Priority 3: Regular Interdistrict Attendance Permits:
- Regular Interdistrict Transfer Application submitted electronically
- Signed and approved interdistrict release (permit) issued by the student's District of Residence.
- A brief written statement explaining why you would like to attend San Marino Schools. Please indicate the level of commitment the parent/guardian and student intend to make toward fulfilling the obligations of the transfer.
- For 1st to 12th Grade students, a copy of the most recent school report card/transcript and current standardized test scores.
STEP 2: Email documents immediately upon applying electronically
- Permit applications will be accepted electronically only beginning May 1, 2024, for the 2024-2025 school year until class space is no longer available.
- Once you electronically apply, please submit all required documents (listed under each permit type) to:
- Email:[email protected]
- Subject line: 2024-2025 Interdistrict Permit Application - Name of the Student.
- One email per student.
- Please note that incomplete applications will not be processed or considered.
- Your application will be carefully reviewed, but admission is not guaranteed. The application will only be considered if space is still available at the school and grade level requested and all conditions have been met.
- Parents should have a “Plan B” in mind, in the event that SMUSD is not able to grant a permit to attend SMUSD. If your “backup school” begins prior to the SMUSD First Day of School, and you have not heard back from us, you should plan on attending your “backup school”.
- We cannot predict how many students we will accept. All residents of SMUSD get priority for placements and they usually register their children between March and August.
- Please be advised that you may not receive a decision to your application for transfer until 14 calendar days before the First Day of School.
- Please do not make multiple calls to the District Office or call the school, as this will only slow the process.
- When a permit application is received during the “current school year” or less than 15 calendar days before the First Day of School in the school year for which the transfer is sought, the family will be notified within 30 calendar days.
- Upon acceptance by the appropriate school, the parent/guardian will be notified by email and must complete the new student registration as instructed.
- When a permit request is denied by the SMUSD, Education Code 46601 provides that you have the right to appeal the decision within 30 calendar days to:
Los Angeles County Office of Education
Division of Student Support Services
9300 Imperial Highway,
Downey, CA 90242
(562) 922-6233