Barth Athletics Complex » FAQs



What is the project?
The Barth Athletics Complex project involves the demolition of the existing gym, locker rooms, and adjoining classrooms and construction of a new gym, fitness room, multi-purpose room, and two media classrooms. The new complex will be a two-story structure with access and availability for Huntington Middle Schools physical education programs and activities. Community user groups will have access and use of the athletic facilities during non-school sponsored activities.
How long will the project take?
The project will start in June 2017 with an anticipated completion date of July 2019. During this time, the existing buildings will be demolished and the new structure will be constructed in its place.
What is involved in the demolition?
Demolition work includes work in the field and southern portions of the gym as well as the rerouting of a sewer line at the southern edge of the future complex site.
What is the demolition time period and what will be the process?
The trucking for the removed materials will begin on June 20thThere will be 3-4 trucks used in rotationThe trucking is anticipated to be completed by July 3rd. The hours of work will be 7:00 am to 3:30 pm Monday through Friday.  The overall demolition will be completed on July 17th.
What other work is planned during the summer months?
Following completion of the demolition, the remainder of the fire line will be installedThe fire line includes a new fire hydrant required by the San Marino Fire Dept. to service the interim classroomsThis work is scheduled to occur from July 12th to August 9th. In the fall, construction of the new buildings will begin.  
What is the trucking schedule and will they follow traffic and safety regulations?
The actual period of trucking is limited during the demolition phase. All applicable laws and regulations will be followed.

Has the District met the California Environmental Quality Act requirements?
The District prepared a Notice of Exemption, which was filed with the Los Angeles County Clerk and State Clearinghouse on September 28, 2015. As provided in the NOE, the project would not exceed air quality standards established by the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). The NOE also states that the District will comply with the below noise-managing Best Management PracticesThe NOE can be viewed here: Notice of Exemption

How will you control the dust and dirt levels?        
The contractor is responsible for maintaining and upkeep of all areas of the work and project premises, outdoors and indoors, free from flying debris, grinding powder, sawdust, dirt and dust in general that by becoming airborne may cause respiratory inconveniences to persons, students, and District personnel. Water will be used to keep dust levels down during the demolition and loading of materials into the trucks. Such protection devices, systems or methods shall be in accordance with the regulations set forth by the EPA and OSHA, SCAQMD, and other applicable state and federal regulations.
How will you control the noise levels?  
The contractor is responsible for the installation of noise reducing devices on construction equipment. They are required to comply with the requirements of City of San Marino and Los Angeles County as these entities have jurisdiction with regard to noise ordinances governing construction sites and activities. Construction equipment noise is subject to the control of the Environmental Protection Agencys Noise Control Program (Part 204 of Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations). These controls will be implemented during site preparation and construction.
When will you start building?

Construction of the new buildings will begin in October 2017.

Will it impact our neighborhood?
We do not anticipate major impacts on the neighborhood, nor any sidewalks or street closures. We will keep residents informed of any impact on the area during the construction process.
Will the streets be closed during construction?
No street closures are anticipated at this time.
How will you manage traffic?
Construction vehicles will park on school grounds during the summer months. During the construction period, traffic will be managed and will avoid student drop-off and pick-up times. Construction vehicles will not be allowed to park off-site on City streets.

Will there be security during construction?
Yes. The contractor is responsible for providing security coverage for the construction site. Designated District and construction personnel will also be providing security during the construction process. The District is implementing communication protocols to ensure that the general public is informed and educated about the construction project.

Will there be safety measures in place?
Yes. The District will have a full-time construction manager on site during the building of the new facility. There will be a certified Division of State Architect Inspector of Record on the premises monitoring the progress and ensuring that all safety measures are adhered to.

Will there be District personnel overseeing the project?
Yes. In addition to the construction manager, the Districtfacilities operation staff will be on-site and support the construction manager as needed.

Who can I contact if I have questions?
You may contact Jim Fahey at (626) 299-7000, Ext.1313 or email at [email protected]

How can I stay informed about project and construction updates?
Visit the Districts BAC web page and subscribe for alert notifications at