SMUSD Local Measures » SMUSD Local Measures R, E, M

SMUSD Local Measures R, E, M

Local Measures

Welcome to the San Marino Unified School District (SMUSD) Local Measures information page, where we highlight the community’s dedication to educational excellence and the ongoing investment in our students’ success. Through voter-approved initiatives, SMUSD continues to maintain high standards in academics, technology, and school facilities.

Measure R – Parcel Tax (2025 Renewal Information Web Page)

First approved by voters in 1991, Measure R is a parcel tax that provides $1.6 million in annual revenue to SMUSD. These funds support 11.4 teaching and staff positions that are essential to maintaining the district’s high-quality educational programs. Measure R helps retain highly qualified teachers and counselors, preserves small class sizes, and sustains library services across the district. Additionally, it prevents the elimination of specialized math and science teachers and ensures that students have access to modern technology systems by funding technology service technicians.

Measure R is set to expire in June, please visit the Measure R Renewal web page for renewal information, FAQs, and the Board of Education's resolution to place Measure R on the June 3, 2025 ballot.

Measure E – Parcel Tax

First approved in 2009, Measure E is another parcel tax, that generates $4 million in annual revenue and funds 29.7 teaching and staff positions across SMUSD schools. These funds preserve core academic curriculum in English, math, social studies, history, and science, while also ensuring the continuation of teaching positions at both elementary and secondary levels. Measure E helps protect small class sizes, sustain visual and performing arts programs, foreign languages, physical education, and athletics, and maintain advanced placement and honors courses. It also funds classroom technology, computer systems, and personnel, as well as academic and college counseling positions.

Measure M – General Obligation Bond

Measure M, approved in November 2024, is a General Obligation (GO) bond dedicated to modernizing school facilities and infrastructure to create a safe and effective learning environment. This funding enables SMUSD to:

    • Modernize classrooms, labs, and technology to support college and career readiness
    • Repair classrooms with damaged ceilings, leaky roofs, and outdated electrical systems
    • Address and prevent flood damage by fixing aging plumbing
    • Upgrade fire safety systems, security cameras, heating and air conditioning
    • Ensure safe drinking water for all students and staff
Please visit the Measure M Web Page for the latest information and developments.
Together, Measures R, E, and M ensure that SMUSD continues to provide high-quality education, modern learning environments, and well-maintained facilities. These measures reflect the community’s long-standing support for academic excellence and student success.

SMUSD Schools