Start New Student Online Registration
SMUSD has developed an electronic enrollment process
STEP 1: Prepare for Registration
In order for your child to be enrolled and attend school in the San Marino School District, you will need to provide information that allows us to register your child. Before the registration process starts, you need to prepare the following information:
- This needs to be an email account that you can access regularly.
- Proof of age: child’s birth certificate OR passport
(if the birth certificate is in another language other than English, it must be translated and notarized)
- One current property tax bill, closing escrow statement, or current lease agreement (whichever applies);
- AND Four (4) different current utility bills – gas, electric, water, trash, cable, or landline telephone.
- Student's Birth certificate OR official court documents (including custody agreement, if applies)
- Driver's license, passport, identification card
(if the immunization record is in another language other than English, it must be translated and notarized)
- Complete and up-to-date immunization record (yellow card) - for all grade
- Report of Health Examination (PDF form) - for TK, K, and 1st grades only
- For grades 2-12, please provide a recent report card or official transcript.
- For 6-12 grade students transferred in the middle of the school year, a withdrawal form is required from the previous school attended at the time of registration.
- For students in a Special Education Program, please provide a most recent IEP or 504 Plan.
STEP 2: Pre-Registration
After you prepare all the information requested, you are ready for Pre-Registration.
Click Here to start the 2024-2025 school year Pre-Registration form
- If your child is currently enrolled, you do NOT need to register again. This registration is for new incoming students only.
STEP 3: Full Registration & Submit Documents
STEP 4: Registration Confirmation
Registration Office
Claudia Velasquez
Registrar / Administrative Assistant for Educational Services
626-299-7000, ext. 1316
Wendy Chan
626-299-7000, ext. 1300