Assessment & Accountability » NWEA / IXL - Secondary Diagnostic Assessment & Learning Path

NWEA / IXL - Secondary Diagnostic Assessment & Learning Path

NweaMAP Growth™ is the most trusted and innovative assessment for measuring achievement and growth in K–12 math, reading, language usage, and science. It provides teachers with accurate, actionable evidence to help inform instructional strategies regardless of how far students are above or below grade level. It also connects to the largest set of supplemental instructional providers, giving educators flexibility in curriculum choices.
SMUSD students in grades 6-12 will be administered the MAP Growth diagnostic assessment three times per year to measure and monitor progress toward standards mastery in Reading and Math.
For more information about NWEA Map Growth visit

NWEA MAP Growth™ 是最值得信賴和創新的評估工具,用於衡量幼兒園 (K) 至 12 年級的數學、閱讀、語言使用和科學方面的成就及成長。它為教師提供準確、亦可操作的數據,無論學生的水平高於或低於年級標準,也可幫助制定教學策略。它還連接到最大的補充教學提供者,為教育工作者提供課程選擇的靈活性。

聖瑪利諾聯合學區 (SMUSD) 6 至 12 年級的學生每年將進行三次 NWEA MAP Growth 測試評估,以衡量和監控學生在閱讀和數學標準掌握方面的進展。

欲了解有關 NWEA Map Growth 的更多資訊,請瀏覽網站

IXL offers personalized skill recommendations for students based on MAP Growth diagnostic assessments, to meet each student where they are and support them in making progress towards standards mastery in English Language Arts and Math. 
Throughout the year, SMUSD students in Gr. 6-12 utilize IXL to promote standards mastery in reading and math.
More information about IXL can be found at

IXL 根據 NWEA MAP Growth 測試評估為學生提供個人化技能建議,針對每個學生的學習水平,幫助他們在英語語言藝術和數學方面達到標準掌握的進展。

在整個學年中,聖瑪利諾聯合學區 (SMUSD) 6 至 12 年級的學生也使用 IXL 評估來促進閱讀和數學標準的掌握。

欲了解有關 IXL 的更多資訊,請瀏覽網站

IXL/NWEA - Parent Information Webinar
August 19, 2024
IXL Parent Guide